Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, March 30, 2009

Today was Drake's 6 month well visit. We had to schedule it a little early because his pediatrician will be going out on maternity leave soon. Everything looks good. He is 15 lbs. 10 oz. and is 25 1/4 inches in length. Once again, he appears to be a pretty "precocious" little guy. We were referred to a neurosurgeon because the back of his head is crooked. It's been that way since birth. I blame it on our first bout with preterm labor. I think at that point he had dropped and positioned himself oddly. Anyways, we are going on April 2nd to do a head x-rays and such to determine if he needs to wear a corrective helmet. It's only for cosmetics, nothing major. Just don't want him to blame mom and dad for his misshapen head when he gets older! It was recommended that we introduce him to the sippy cup so here he is enjoying playing with it.

P.S. Since my last post he has also gotten his two bottom teeth. He is getting big so fast. :(


The Norman Family said...
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The Norman Family said...

They do grow up too fast! Drake will be catching up to Logan soon. . .only 4 more pounds and 5 more inches!! Of course, he'll probably walk before Logan!