Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Jenna and Drake helping decorate a pumpkin that Jenna got at the pumpkin patch.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Unfortunately these pictures are in reverse order of how everything happened, but it's the best I can do. Here are more pictures of opening presents. Drake's sporting his Jordan's at this point.

Opening presents

This is the birthday party that almost didn't happen. We were suppose to go to Morgan's Wonderland and then everyone was to come to our house for dinner and cake. Unfortunately Drake was up running a high fever (103.6) Friday night. He woke up fine Saturday morning, other than a cold. Friday was Drake's 24 month well visit and he got 3 shots, one was the seasonal flu/H1N1, so it may have been a reaction to that??? Morgan's Wonderland is rescheduled. : (

Celebrating with the neighbor's on Drake's birthday! Sorry Lane and Kellee....sure you both wanna kill me for posting this picture.

So excited over Barney. He went everywhere with him that night!

We let Drake open two of his presents. We got him a beanbag and Barney. Here he is excited over the inflated plastic bags used for shipping and didn't realize that Barney was in the box.